Reformer Pilates

Reformer Pilates: Everything You Need To Know

If you’re looking for a workout that’s as good at improving strength as it is for balancing your mind, Reformer Pilates could be right for you. This intense but low impact class involves a reformer machine for a resistance-based workout. Here’s everything you need to know before you get started:

What is Reformer Pilates?

Reformer Pilates is a whole body workout. It's designed to improve strength and boost flexibility, balance, posture and coordination.

The reformer is a bed-like machine that moves back and forward and features functionalities (i.e. springs) to increase resistance as you workout. Each guided class features a series of coordinated and science-backed movements that improve strength while focusing on correct posture combined with breath work. 

What is the difference between Mat Pilates and Reformer Pilates?

The main difference between mat and Reformer Pilates is the introduction of the reformer bed. The key benefit here is that compared to mat pilates which is focused on movement that utilises body weight, Reformer Pilates adds the element of resistance, making it a more intense workout where you’re guaranteed to feel the burn.

What should I expect from my first time at a Reformer Pilates class?

At The Cave Gym, Reformer Pilates classes will be guided by a qualified instructor who will make you feel welcome and be able to assist you. Here are a few things you can expect:

  • The reformer bed moves, so be careful and put your safety first as you begin to get comfortable with it. 
  • You may feel a little uncoordinated when you’re starting out, but don’t worry an instructor will be there to guide you. 
  • The more springs you use, the more resistance you’ll experience as you workout. Your instructor will guide you on how many springs you should be using for each exercise but feel free to start slow and use less (or none) as you’re getting the hang of things. 
  • Similar to mat pilates, you’ll get to use props (like resistance bands and magic circles) to help you get the most out of each workout. 

What are the key benefits of Reformer Pilates?

Beyond the physical and mental health benefits of working out, here’s are just some of the reasons why Reformer Pilates is an effective way to exercise:

  • Complete a full body workout in just 45 minutes
  • Quickly build core strength and tone muscles.
  • Avoid injury with low impact movements.
  • Improve posture, flexibility and balance.
  • Improve mental health with a mind-body workout. 

Is Reformer Pilates right for me?

Whether you’re looking for a new way to workout, want to complement strength training with a workout that will improve flexibility or are recovering from injury, Reformer Pilates is great for everyone. 

Virtual Reformer Classes

With a choice of over 200 classes across 20 different styles. Classes are hosted by elite instructors or physiotherapists and vary in class lengths to suit your customer's schedules.

These classes range in length from 15 minute through to 60 minutes. There are 20 class styles to choose from beginners, to more advanced users, including physio-led classes targeting specific ailments.

Every week, new classes are added.

Virtual Reformer Pilates

Reformer Class Times

Virtual Classes are available 24/7 except during Yoga & Pilates Classes